Plus Size White Dresses

You can find Plus Size White Dresses in a large variety of styles ranging from formal to casual dresses.

Plus Size White Dress

A white dress in the spring and summer months always looks crisp and cool, while Winter White in the cooler months is elegant and sophisticated.

If you are looking for a Plus Size Wedding Dress, please see Plus Size Bride or Plus Size Casual Wedding Dresses.

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Tips for Finding the Perfect Plus Size White Dresses

Is white the new black? Let’s face it, for decades plus sized women have been given the mantra, “stick to dark colors – they’re slimming” but no one wants to look like they’re in mourning every day. Thankfully the fashion world has taken notice of the plus size market and started elevating the styles available in the plus-size category to enough of a variety that nearly any body type can find a flattering dress, yes even in white! 

To be honest, the key to getting a good-looking plus size white dresses (or any dress, for that matter) is knowing how to use your body type in choosing clothing. Now, your body may not fall perfectly into one category, but go with the one that fits the closest before going on to shop for that white dress. 

Empire Waist Plus Size White DressEmpire Waist Plus Size White Dress

An apple shaped woman, as you might expect, is round. This is the full-size, plus size lady who doesn’t have much of a waist line and narrower legs and hips compared to her breasts, shoulders and face. The white dress for an apple body is one with pleats near the stomach. You want a loose fit here so avoid dresses that gather tightly at the waist. Don’t be afraid to show off your legs. 

The rectangular woman is nearly opposite of an apple, with very few curves. The figure is pretty even from shoulder to thigh. Many woman fitting this category have lanky arms and legs with which to contend too. The solution to this is a white A-line dress that stops at knee length. This makes the impression of curves even where there are none. 

White Plus Size DressWhite Plus Size Dress

If you have an hourglass body (namely one with equally proportioned breasts and hips) you have a lot of leeway in white dresses. Don’t shy away from dresses that show off your form, particularly at the waist. Ties and belts are a “go” for Hourglass women, as are wrap-around styles. Avoid dresses that lay close to your neckline. A V neck is much more becoming, as is a dress that reaches down just past your knees. 

Plus Size Strapless White DressPlus Size Strapless White Dress

The pear shaped woman has a smaller upper body and a heavier lower body. That means having slender shoulders and neck. As you scan from head to toe Pear women are typically not overly busty. Rather they carry weight in their backside and thighs. The best white dress for Pear Women is one that draws attention to the upper body. Go with a nice V neck or halter that features an empire waistline and a elegant skirt. Alternatively you can easily go with a strapless number, particularly if you add a nice drop necklace that draws a viewer’s eyes from your neck upward or if the dress has decorative touches along the top seam.

Finally there is the petite plus size gal. The biggest hurdle for her to overcome is getting lost in her white dress. You don’t want to look like you’re wearing a white tent, but you do want some looseness for comfortable movement. Rather than go for a fancier dress, think the white version of the classic black dress and then accessorize it to show your personality fully.

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